Job Internship
What is an internship?
All three-year degree courses include a period of hours to be carried out in internship. The internship, as a rule, is unpaid, but the activities carried out can have the value of training credits and be listed in the student’s transcript of records.
Where does the internship take place?
The internship can be carried out at:
- laboratories of DiSIT and other Departments
- affiliated companies and organisations
- non-affiliated companies and organisations
You can inform the DiSIT administrative contact (Rosanna Ruggiero - of new companies or organisations not yet affiliated with which you would like to carry out the internship. You can also do the internship abroad. Consult the ERASMUS+ programme
How does the internship work?
The internship does not constitute contractual employment. A internship does not oblige the company to hire the intern, but it does allow the company to get to know the person for possible future recruitment.
How does the insurance policy work?
Insurance coverage for interns is borne by the promoters (in this case, the Department), both against accidents at work at INAIL, through the special form of "management on behalf of the State", and for civil liability in companies via insurance companies operating in the sector. Internships are activated by signing an agreement between the University and company / institution.
What is the training project?
A training and careers project, prepared by the promoter and indicating:
- targets
- activities
- modality (skills, knowledge and skills)
- names of tutors appointed by the promoter (teaching tutor) and by the company representative (company tutor)
- details of the insurance companies
- duration and period of the internship.
Are there any reimbursements of expenses?
The law does not prohibit the possibility of remuneration or reimbursement for transport, room and board expenses, but there is no obligation placed on the company.
Which forms do I need to submit and to whom?
The following forms must be delivered with the training project:
- attendance register
- internship
- internship outcome
- internship evaluation questionnaire
The same information must be reported to the administrative representative at the end of the experience.
Are there any particular requisites for participating in the internship?
Interns must follow the "Safety and Health in the Workplace" course.
The course is available online on the DiR platform -
Is there a difference in evaluation between external and internal internships in the department?
No, the same evaluation criteria exist.
When can I participate in a internship?
Participation is restricted to students who are about to complete their course of study. At least 120 credits, already registered, or having passed all the exams of the first and second year are required.
How long should the internship last?
The internship can be evaluated only if the minimum duration foreseen for each study course is reached. Refer to your Degree Programme page to check the minimum durations.
What should I do to start the internship?
Contact the administrative contact person to verify all the requirements to start the practice.
Which are the affiliated entities?
The list of affiliated entities is available from the administrative contact.
Specific information on internships for Degree Programmes
Rules and procedures for internships with the Chemistry Course
How to contact the company to arrange an external internship:
- The list of companies offering internships can be consulted on DIR in the section entitled "Services for Chemistry students"
- The companies listed can be contacted via Ms Rosanna Ruggiero (
- Students are free to independently and directly contact other companies of their interest or ask the tutor teacher who have chosen any further possibilities not included in the list.
- In any case, it is necessary that the company, through Ms Rosanna Ruggiero (, stipulates the agreement between the company and the University (if it is not already active) and subsequently agree on the training project, including the start and end dates of the internship, in agreement with the supervisor teacher.
Procedure for requesting an external internship:
- The student agrees with the company and lecturer, chosen from among the teachers of the CdS, on a topic of common interest
- The request will be drawn up by the tutor teacher in agreement with the student and company tutor.
- Requests are approved by the Teaching Commission within a few days of submission to the Course Chair
- You must submit your request by filling in the appropriate form and delivering it to Ms Rosanna Ruggiero.
- The request must contain an adequate description of the activities and objectives of the internship, with particular reference to the Dublin indicators.
In order to start the internship you need to have registered 120 credits.
Duration of the external internship:
- The internship will last exactly 250 hours (corresponding to 10 credits)
- Any extension beyond 250 hours must be agreed with the host company and communicated in advance to the University, to allow for extension of the insurance policy.
- A duration of more than 250 hours does not produce additional credits.
2 Tutor:
- external tutor (or company tutor) - appointed and indicated directly by the company in the internship application form;
- internal tutor (or supervisor) - teacher chosen directly by the student.
How to contact the teachers to arrange the internal internship:
- Some proposals for internal internship (or guided study) are available on DIR in the section entitled "Services for Chemistry students".
- Students can ask individual teachers for more information on internal internships.
Procedure for requesting an internal internship:
- The student chooses the tutor teacher among the teachers present in the CdS and contacts him to establish a topic of common interest.
- The request will be drawn up by the tutor teacher in agreement with the student.
- Requests are approved by the Teaching Commission within a few days of their submission to the Course Chair
- You must submit your request by completing the appropriate form and delivering it to Ms Rosanna Ruggiero (
- The request must contain an adequate description of the activities and objectives of the internship, with particular reference to the Dublin indicators.
In order to start the internship you need to have registered 120 credits.
Duration of the internal internship:
The internship will last exactly 250 hours (corresponding to 10 credits)
Internal tutor (or supervisor) - teacher with whom the internal internship has been agreed.
Rules and procedures for internships with the Computer Studies course
Detailed information on the various methods of acquiring internship credits, the bureaucratic process and deadlines can be found at Computer Studies Course – Services for Students (Tutoring, elective courses, internships) - in the section dedicated to internships and guided studies. Here are some of the most important points.
- Internship credits can be acquired by the student by carrying out a internship or a guided study at a company / institution, or an internship or a guided study within the University. A clarification on the various forms and advice for choosing the most suitable for your situation can be found at Computer Studies Course – Services for Students (Tutoring, elective courses, internships) in the section dedicated to Internships and Guided Studies.
- The training project proposed by the company / institution or by a teacher to the student must be submitted to the Teaching Commission of the Degree Course which assesses its educational value.
Before starting the internship, the student must submit the proposal to the Teaching Commission and wait for authorisation from the Internship Office ( Hours of activities carried out before the completion of the aforementioned practices will not be recognised.
To submit the training project to the evaluation of the Teaching Commission, it is necessary to have registered 120 credits, or to have passed all the exams of the first and second year.
Procedure for applying for a internship or guided study:
- The proposals for internships and guided studies are prepared by the tutor (from the company / institution or from within the University) who will follow the student during the activity.
- The procedure for submitting the proposal and deadlines to the Didactic Commission are reported in Computer Studies Course – Services for Students (Tutoring, elective courses, internships) in the section dedicated to Internships and Guided Studies
- The proposal must contain an adequate description of the activities and objectives of the internship that allows the Teaching Commission to evaluate its educational value.
- The internship or guided study will last 250 hours (corresponding to 10 credits).
- A longer duration does not entitle you to additional credits.
- If you plan to extend the internship or guided study activity beyond the period provided at the time of submitting the proposal, you must contact the Internship Office ( before the agreed period has ended.
Before starting:
Before starting work, the student must
- complete the General Training course (A) on Health and Safety in the Workplace edition 2019/2020 (ACTIVE FROM OCTOBER 1, 2019), which can be found at the General Course link
- Anyone who has already followed the aforementioned course (including previous editions) and obtained the certificate need not take this notice into account but must present the certificate when requested
- Those who have already attended similar courses must send a scanned copy of the certificate for assessment of conformity, to the email
- The instructions for accessing the course are in the attached file
- receive confirmation from the Internship Office or from the internal tutor that all necessary formalities have been completed.
During work:
The student will be followed by a
- external tutor (or company tutor) - nominated and indicated directly by the company in the form for applying for a internship
- internal university tutor - teacher appointed by the Teaching Commission.
The functions of the two tutors in the various cases of internships and guided studies provided are clarified in the Computer Studies Course – Services for Students (Tutoring, elective courses, internships) in the section dedicated to Internships and Guided Studies.
After work:
At the end of the internship or guided study, the student is required
- the drafting of a final report describing the activity carried out
- the presentation of this activity to the Graduation Commission.
In the Computer Studies Course – Services for Students (Tutoring, elective courses, internships) in the section dedicated to Internships and Guided Studies, you can find a document that guides students in preparing the report and presentation for the final exam.
Contact details:
Internship Office:
- Alessandria: DiSIT headquarters, viale Teresa Michel 11, second floor
Mrs. Ruggiero - Vercelli: Rectorate, via Duomo 6 (ask at the reception desk for internships)
Mrs. Burocco
Contact person for internships of the Degree Course in Computer Science: Prof. Lavinia Egidi (
Rules and procedures for internships with the MATERIALS-CHEMISTRY course
How to contact the company to arrange an external partnership:
- The list of companies offering partnerships can be consulted on DIR in the section entitled Materials Science – Vercelli (Internships Information).
- The companies listed can be contacted by contacting Dr. Sabrina Burocco (
- Students are free to independently and directly contact other companies of interest.
- In all cases, the company must contact Dr. Sabrina Burocco ( to stipulate an agreement between the company and the University (if not already active) and present the comprehensive training project with the start and end dates of the internship.
Procedure for requesting an external internship:
- Internship requests are approved at the beginning of each month (except August) by the Teaching Commission.
- You must submit your request by filling in the appropriate form and delivering it to Dr. Sabrina Burocco ( and Prof. Enrico Ferrero ( by the last working day of the month prior to the experience.
- The request must contain an adequate description of the activities and objectives of the internship.
- It can be written with the support of the company tutor.
In order to start the internship, you must have registered 110 credits (for students enrolled in the Cohort for the 2017-18 academic year) and have passed all the exams of the first year in any case. The Didactic Commission assesses whether the set of exams passed is sufficient to start the internship
Duration of the external internship:
- The internship will last exactly 250 hours, except for reductions in two case
- 200 hours for working students Or 225
- hours for students who have acquired 1 ECTS credit through activities in the Scientific Degree Plan
- A duration of longer than 250 hours must be agreed with the host company and communicated to the University, to allow extension of the insurance policy
- A duration of more than 250 hours does not produce additional credits.
- It is necessary that the internship does not prevent attendance of the third year courses
2 Tutor:
- external tutor (or company tutor) - appointed and indicated directly by the company in the internship application form;
- internal tutor (or supervisor) - teacher appointed by the Teaching Commission.
How to contact the teachers to arrange the internal internship:
- Some proposals for an internal internship (or guided study) are available on DIR in the section entitled Materials Science – Vercelli (Internships Information)
- Students can ask individual teachers for more information on internal internships.
Procedure for requesting an internal partnership:
- Requests for internal internships are approved at the beginning of each month (except August) by the Teaching Commission.
- You must submit your request by filling in the appropriate form and delivering it to Prof. Enrico Ferrero ( by the last working day of the month prior to the experience.
- The request must contain an adequate description of the activities and objectives of the internship.
- It can be written with the support of the teacher.
In order to start the internship, you must have registered 110 credits (for students enrolled in the Cohort for the 2017-18 academic year) and have passed all the exams of the first year in any case. The Teaching Commission assesses whether the set of exams passed is sufficient to start the internship.
Duration of the internal internship:
- The internship will last exactly 250 hours, except for reductions in two cases:
- 200 hours for working students;
- 225 hours for students who have acquired 1 academic credit through activities in the Scientific Degree Plan.
- It is necessary that the internship does not prevent attendance of the third year courses
internal tutor (or supervisor) - teacher with whom the internal internship has been agreed.
For working students:
Working students who intend to carry out an internship at the company where they are employed have the option of replacing the internship with a guided study on topics related to work in accordance with the topics of the degree course.
Rules and procedures for internships with Biological Sciences Course
The internship is preparatory to the final exam. The internship can be carried out at DiSIT, in the internal structures of the University and in external structures, public or private agreements through an appropriate procedure.
Access to the internship
Having reached the credits required for the different types of internships (1, 2, 3), the student can proceed with the request to carry out the same by contacting the internship offices respectively for the Alessandria offices (Ms Rosanna Ruggiero - and Vercelli (Ms Sabrina Burocco -
In order to start the internship, it is necessary to have registered 115 academic credits, having passed all the exams of the first year.
External agreements: the list of organisations and companies that offer an internship can be consulted at the Internship offices of the Department. Alternatively, students are free to independently and directly contact other companies of their interest, but previously they will have to make sure that a Teacher-Tutor can follow them and make sure that the company has qualified personnel in the organic field.
In any case, a new company must contact the Internship offices of the Department to stipulate an agreement between the company and the University (if not already active) and present the complete training project.
N.B. It is important to take into account the necessary technical times in the event that an ex-novo agreement signed by the parties involved in the agreement (University / company) has to be stipulated.
Procedure: students must first obtain authorisation from the Course Chair, to whom a simple request must be sent via e-mail ( attaching screenshots showing that at least 115 academic credits have already been achieved, and all the exams of the first year have been passed.
Once the authorisation has been obtained, you must submit your request by filling in the appropriate form and delivering it to one of the two Internship offices of the Department.
The request must be completed with the support of the internal tutor and the company tutor and must contain an adequate description of the activities and objectives of the internship, as well as the name of the company tutor.
Duration of the external internship:
- The experience will last 200 hours
- A longer duration must be agreed with the host company and communicated to the University, to allow extension of the insurance policy.
2 Tutor:
- External tutor (or company tutor): appointed and indicated directly by the company in the form for requesting a internship
- Internal tutor (or supervisor): a teacher who is available and with whom it is necessary to agree in advance the activities that the student will have to carry out.
Both Tutors will be indicated in the request form. The actual start of the internship must be authorised with written communication from the Tutor inside the Internship Office.
How to contact the teachers to arrange the internal internship:
Students can contact individual teachers (via email, in class or during office hours) to identify proposals for internal internships.
Procedure for requesting an internal internship:
- Internship requests must first obtain the authorization from the Study Program President, to whom a simple request must be sent via e-mail ( attaching screens showing that they have already been achieved at least 115 credits and all the exams of the first year have been passed.
- Once the authorization has been obtained, you must submit your request by filling in the appropriate form and delivering it to one of the Department's internship offices. The request must contain an adequate description of the activities and objectives of the internship.
The request must be written with the support of the Tutor teacher.
In order to start the internship, you must have registered at least 115 credits having passed all the exams of the first year.
Duration of the internal internship
The internship will last for 200 hours.
Internal tutor (or supervisor): teacher with whom the internal internship has been agreed.
In order to start this type of internship, the student must have acquired at least 150 ECTS credits, having passed all the exams of the first year.
The internship activity involves the processing of data obtained from recent scientific literature on a limited topic of biology, chemistry or mathematical-physical subjects. The total effort required will be 200 hours, as envisaged in the other types of internships, but will require greater autonomy and the ability to process and analyse information independently.
The list of topics and available places will be accessible upon request sent to Help Biology (email
After viewing the topics and identifying a topic of interest, students must contact the internal tutor to assess that he/she is actually available and agree in advance on the activities to be carried out.
In order to start the internship you must have registered at least 150 credits, having passed all the exams of the first year.
Duration of the internal internship:
The internship will last for 200 hours. At the end, the Tutor will issue a declaration of successful attendance by filling in the same forms provided for the other types of internships/internships.
Internal tutor (or supervisor): teacher with whom the internal internship has been agreed.
Annual windows for presentation of requests and beginning Internal Guided Study Internships 3
There are three annual windows within which it is necessary to start the internship in order to graduate in the indicated months.
Internship starts within the first week of MARCH
Potential graduation session: Graduation in JULY or OCTOBER
Choice of topic and check availability of the Tutor: Procedure starts by February 15th
Internship starts by the end of JUNE
Potential graduation session: Graduation in OCTOBER or DECEMBER
Choice of topic and check availability of the Tutor: Procedure starts by June 15th
Internship starts by the end of NOVEMBER
Potential graduation session: Graduation in MARCH
Choice of topic and check availability of the Tutor: Procedure starts by November 15th
Any student eligible to start the internship must first send the request for Nulla Osta to the Course Chair for verification of the necessary credits. He/she will then contact the allocated professor of the research activity chosen from the proposed list.
Once the internship has started, the student will have to continuously update the internal contact teacher regarding the progress of the research. The draft of the final paper must be sent to the teacher before filling in the forms for presentation of the thesis application.
VADEMECUM preparation of the final paper
Detailed instructions for completing the final thesis are available in this document: Handbook: Preparation of Bachelor’s dissertation.pdf
Each intern is also required to acquire the skills necessary to draw up a correct bibliography by completing the activity provided for in the BiblioLab:
The BiblioLab certificate must be delivered to the Tutor-teacher and must be acquired before the end of the internship period.
See also the University website:, and its sub pages
Vademecum_Preparazione elaborato laurea triennale
- Documento PDF - 176.77 KB
corso Sicurezza Formazione Generale 2019_2020
- Documento PDF - 688.15 KB
Last modified 12 July 2022