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Course Type Master’s degree

Academic year 2022/2023

Membership structure

This course lasts 2 years (full-time), or 3 or 4 years (part-time).

Course location:

  • Alessandria (Biomedical - Biomolecular and Agro-Environmental curricula)
  • Vercelli (Nutrition and Environment curriculum)

The Chair of the Academic Council is Prof. Maria Cavaletto -

If you are not yet enrolled and need more information:

If you are already enrolled and need more information: UPO risponde

Admission requirements

Admission to this Master's Degree course is subject to possession of specific curricular requirements and suitable background experience.


The course provides you with a solid cultural background in general Biology and in specific sectors of Biology applied to three fields: Environmental, Biomedical and Nutritional. You will learn about the most innovative molecular technologies, studying cellular systems (plant, animal and human) in natural and stress conditions, in an interdisciplinary approach. You will master the methodology of scientific investigation, acquiring critical skills in the analysis of research projects, in a ongoing dialogue between teachers and students. You will have the opportunity to experiment with new learning methods, perfecting your soft skills and thus preparing you for the professional role of biologist.

Key features

  • three curricula: agro-environmental; biomedical and biomolecular; nutrition and environment
  • Innovative educational and research laboratories held throughout the training course
  • Student-friendly university environment
  • Direct interaction with professionals from the field of biology
  • Access to Erasmus and Free-Mover programmes.

To obtain the degree, you must acquire 120 academic credits

Possible fields of employment

Graduates from this course can perform those professional and managerial activities of a biologist in all the specific fields of application which (while covered by the three-year undergraduate programme Class 13) require a candidate with a broad cultural background and high-level professional preparation.

Graduates from this course can find employment in a variety of roles:

  • Promotion and development of scientific innovation in the field of biology;
  • Roles in public and private organisations for biological, microbiological, chemical-clinical analysis and quality control
  • Activities in the field of environmental monitoring, conservation of natural heritage, biological control
  • Inclusion in private companies or public bodies active in the field of environmental monitoring and recovery, working with conservation of natural heritage and biological control
  • Activities in the field of communication, teaching and scientific information
  • Freelance activity as a biologist or nutritional biologist, subject to passing the State Exam and enrolment on the Professional Register of Senior Biologists
  • Continued education with a PhD or Advanced Training for non-doctors.

Employment is offered mainly by:

  • Public and private bodies working in the field of biological, microbiological, chemical-clinical analysis and quality control of products of biological origin
  • Private companies or public bodies active in the field of environmental monitoring and recovery, concerned with the conservation of natural heritage, biological control and taxonomic diagnosis
  • Freelance activity
  • In the communication and dissemination of scientific information, scientific publishing.

The role is regulated by the current national legislation implemented by the National Order of Biologists, which certifies the professional status of the Senior Biologist through enrolment with the Professional Order of Biologists.

Course organisation

In this section you can find the Biology Courses and Programmes , information on the Study Plan (organisation of lessons and educational activity; how to complete the Study Plan), the Didactic Regulations, (the set of rules on teaching that regulate the course), the Didactic System (the set of general rules that regulate the course) for your own cohort (generally related to the year of matriculation).

For more information on courses and programmes of previous years you can visit the page Course Archive.

From the Library Catalogue you can search by content or teacher, and find the textbooks recommended for preparation of exams.

Lessons timetable

You can find information on the lessons timetable in UPOPlanner

Laboratory activity

Students who need to access the Laboratories of the aforementioned courses, must have completed training in Health and Safety in the Workplace (MEDIUM RISK). This training must be completed before entering the first laboratory.

Course Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance  Quality Assurance of teaching is linked to the University Quality Policies, and is implemented by monitoring and evaluation of courses with a view to continuous improvement. The Degree Course Council is the academic body that deals with decisions strictly linked to the course, such as study plans, credit recognition, degree procedures, degree sessions and teaching calendars.

Erasmus and internships

During the degree programme, it is possible to spend time abroad as part of the Erasmus project.

Final exam

The course does not involve a theory-based dissertation. The Regulations on the ministerial site state:

"The final exam consists in preparation of a degree thesis based on a substantial experimental research project in departmental laboratories of the UPO or in other qualified public and private laboratories, under the guidance of a supervisor and teacher, researcher or expert in the subject, charged with following the student’s work, possibly in the context of international mobility projects. "

The activity must represent a consistent period of thesis work, corresponding to 36 credits, or more than a quarter of all credits of the degree programme; thus, at least 500 hours in at least 6 months from the moment that the application form is delivered to the Teaching and Student Services Office.

The beginning of a new master's thesis project must be registered by presenting the project proposal at the DISIT Teaching and Student Services Office (contact persons: Ms. Ruggiero for Alessandria and Ms. Burocco for Vercelli).

For the choice of topic for the project, students are advised to consult the UPOBOOK portal to check the areas of research of each teacher and their contact details. The student chooses a UPO teacher as a Tutor, from the subject areas included in his/her Study Plan; this tutor will then be nominated as Thesis Project Supervisor.

The Internship / Master's thesis training project can be carried out at laboratories in DiSIT or other UPO Departments, under the guidance of a UPO supervisor. For other cases involving other universities, companies, hospitals, and affiliated entities, the student must indicate the name of the external contact person/tutor to the Teaching Office as well as the name of the supervisor UPO teacher.

The agreed project is carried out under the guidance of the Supervisor and the final paper is publicly discussed in front of the Degree Board.

Check the procedure for presentation of application to graduate.

Last modified 17 January 2024