Governing bodies
The governing bodies of the Department are people, or groups of people, whose work enables it to function.
Specifically: Manager, Department Council, Department Board and Teachers-Students Joint Committee.
All the Bodies remain in office for four academic years.
To know the characteristics and functions of the Bodies, you can consult the Regulations of the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DiSIT).
The Manager
He/she represents the Department, and convenes and chairs the Council and Executive Board. He/ She generally promotes didactic and research activities, and supervises their regular development and quality.
The current Manager is Prof. Leonardo Marchese.
The current Assistant Manager is Prof. Stefania Montani.
The Department Council
The Departiment Council is the Body responsible for defining the strategic lines in reference to scientific, educational and training activities, as well as activities related to the outside.
The Board is entrusted with decisions regarding the development and planning activities of the Department and the choice of implementation criteria.
In particular, the Department Council, in addition to exercising the functions attributed to it by the Law, the Statute and the University Regulations, ensures:
- approve the constitution of a new section (as per Art 4, paragraph 7 of the DiSIT Regulations)
- concedere una proroga per il mantenimento di una sezione (come da Art. 4, comma 8 del Regolamento DiSIT)
- disattivare una sezione che non abbia raggiunto il numero di minimo di aderenti allo scadere della proroga
- nominare i Responsabili di Sezione (eletti come da Art. 4, comma 9 del Regolamento DiSIT)
- approvare la relazione annuale sull’attività del Dipartimento, su proposta del Direttore e dei Responsabili di Sezione.
- grant an extension for the maintenance of a section (as per Art. 4, paragraph 8 of the DiSIT Regulation)
- deactivate a section that has not reached the minimum number of members at the end of the extension
- appoint the Section Managers (elected as per Art. 4, paragraph 9 of the DiSIT Regulation)
- approve the annual report on the Department's activities, on the proposal of the Director and Section Managers.
The Department Executive Board
The Department Executive Board assists the Manager and carries out tasks assigned by the Council
The Teachers-Students Joint Committee
This is made up of professors and students elected for the individual courses of study; it carries out monitoring activities on the courses on offer, the quality of teaching and the activity of teachers, identifying the most appropriate indicators for their evaluation.
The Course Council
This is made up of lecturers and a maximum of three student representatives (you can consult the pages dedicated to each Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programs).
It proposes the allocation of courses and teaching contracts, examines and approves the study plans and everything related to teaching for the same degree courses.
Regolamento del Dipartimento di Scienze e Innovazione Tecnologica DiSIT
- Documento PDF - 79.44 KB
Consiglio DiSIT
- Documento PDF - 182.95 KB
Giunta DiSIT
- Documento PDF - 322.12 KB
Last modified 13 July 2022